I begrudgingly took Xanadu out and told my wife to hide it somewhere not to be given back to me until I finish Emerald Dragon! Phew, now that is out of the way, Boy was I glad to continue on my quest with Emerald Dragon! My continue had me standing in a dungeon just on the east side of the town I started in.
I honestly couldn't really remember where I was at last time I played, so I just continued walking around the dungeon only to find a few random battles and a lot of empty treasure chests. No harm done as it was good to do a bit of level up grinding while becoming reacquainted with the area. I walked back to the center city and around the forest areas level grinding a bit but doing some regular adventuring, seeing if there is anything to be found of interest. I quickly surveyed the over-world/area map and noticed that there is another city area to the slight south west. I found myself heading that way with my group.
We walked around town a bit more seeing if there were any other events that we needed to trigger I remember a bar we walked into and had a live voice conversation with my party. It seemed that the members of my gang were pissed about how everyone seems to be trying to keep us out of certain areas. Word must be spreading of our dominance in the field of battle, and there must be secrets held within their walls, they must be trying to keep these secrets from us. After our talk, we walked around some more, and wouldn't you know it. We found another building in town that had guards watching the front door. I went up to the guards, and they seemed to be telling us to piss off. This seemed to really enrage us because it then gave us the option to do battle with the guards! Hell yes!! Finally, some vengeance on all these bastards blocking our destiny by just standing there! We quickly layed waste to the guards and walked into the building.
After the battle a military general and his guards came in and said "Thank you fine young warriors! That prick has been holding several of our fortresses captive and now you've set us free!" We said "You're welcome" Then he told us that there are more evils ahead. "You remember the first building you guys tried to get into? We need to get into there and get to the bottom of all of this and forever free our people!" We said "Hell yes!"
We walked over to the west and found the first building that we ran away from like wussies, and wouldn't you know it, the guards were standing there! They moved to the side, and said "Hey, lets get some more of our buddies over and blow that gate down with a battering ram!" We were then able to get inside!
Our parties split up (ours and the guards), and we went through the area encountering plenty of random battles along the way. As we continued onward we found several of our own guards bodies laying about. Seems as though the guards were no match for whatever evils are hidden away in this area.
We were able to get to the end of this prison area, releasing any of our own forces from the cells as we got a key from one of the baddies along the way. they were very thankful. What we didn't expect was a giant ABOBO looking dude in one of the cells. He says "Piss off, these are our prisoners, I will kill you all for coming here!" I quickly jumped into battle without saving. The last time I saved was just prior to the battering ram scene. I say this here as a way to remind any young adventurers to always save as often as you can! Emerald Dragon allows for saving for wherever you are standing at just about any time. So, I assume, you can guess what happened....
The big Abobo dude was tougher than I was expecting. I took my character and ran up to him right off the bat. I quickly learned two things. One, Abobo was much stronger than any character we've encountered thus far. Two, if the main character dies in battle- game over. Even if the rest of the part is still alive and even able to win the battle and heal the main character.... game over. I've had other members of the party die and I was able to heal them after the battles, that is fine. But if your main character bites it. Game Over.
Abobo smacked me 3 times and I was down for the count. I quickly saw the death scene and was loaded back to the battering ram scene. Guards broke down the door, got us in, said "lets split up", got killed and captured, we got the keys, unlocked the prison cells, all the while saving every few random battles, and then we got to the door of that cock sucker Abobo. We walked around a bit outside the door and got myself up to level 20 after a couple more battles. Heh, it won't be so easy this time Abobo!
Walked up to him and his cronies and the battle started. This time my plan was to try to take out the lackeys while the others work on Abobo. when everyone else was taken care of, I used the main character to jump in, get a few whacks, but then make sure I was at least 5 spaces back from Abobo. He got in a few good licks here and there, but our party was able to crush his spirit in the end. He was seriously tough, took a beating and finally fell in defeat.
After the battle we enjoyed our spoils and met with the king of the land. He suggested we add two more members to our party, and one other member of our party said that was his last great adventure. It was sad to see one of our members walk away, but knew it was time for him to ride off into the sunset. We lost one member but gained two. So now we were 5 strong. I was able to adventure around the new countryside to the west a bit and test out the party, and we are pretty awesome so far. I got to a fork in the road with a sign and said, this was where I would stop until next time.
To read part 3 of my journey - CLICK HERE!
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